Use the filters and search below to discover accredited professional development (PD) programs and associated curricula for K-12 CS teachers. Click a card to view more details.
In the accreditation process, an independent committee of experts evaluates submitted opportunities using a rubric aligned to indicators of quality professional development. Learn more about the accreditation process and volunteer committee .
CodeSpace by Firia Labs
An introduction to Python programming using physical devices, project-based learning, and intuitive, step-by-step curricula.
Year-long (10 units) College Board-endorsed AP CSA curriculum that provides interactive lessons for high school students to learn Java programming.
Mouse: Scratch Creative Computing
25+ project-based lessons where students create animations, stories, and games with Scratch.
Mobile CSP
College Board-endorsed AP CSP curriculum focused on building apps using MIT's App Inventor while using project-based programming.
Beauty and Joy of Computing
BJC follows the AP CS Principles framework with a programming-heavy focus and deep exploration into the social implications of computing.
Integrating Robotics into CS and STEAM Education
Over 8,000 built-in lessons and activities for learning CS and math with robotics for all levels of K-12, using both virtual and hardware robots.
UC Davis C-STEM Center
C-STEM Curriculum provides K-12 standards with 13 years of integrated math and computer science education in compliance with math and CS standards.
CS Discoveries
This intro course covers problem solving, programming, physical computing, AI, design, and data, as students build websites, apps, and more.
XR Terra – XR Foundations – Educators
An introduction to augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) including key concepts, creation of AR/VR experiences, and classroom applications.
CS Principles
Year-long intro and AP course covering programming, algorithms, the Internet, big data, privacy and security, and impacts of computing over 10 units.
CSF Deep Dive Workshop
Lesson plans offered for 6 courses in grades K-5, varying between 13-20 lesson for each course with unplugged and plugged activities using Blockly.
CS Fundamentals Intro
Lesson plans offered for 6 courses in grades K-5, varying between 13-20 lesson for each course with unplugged and plugged activities using Blockly.
Are we missing a quality PD opportunity? Please suggest to PD/curriculum providers to submit their program for accreditation by the CSTA PD Committee.