Use the filters and search below to discover accredited professional development (PD) programs and associated curricula for K-12 CS teachers. Click a card to view more details.
In the accreditation process, an independent committee of experts evaluates submitted opportunities using a rubric aligned to indicators of quality professional development. Learn more about the accreditation process and volunteer committee .
PLTW Launch
Flexible implementation of nine, 10-hour hands-on modules for PreK-5 students focused on computer science featuring Scratch, ScratchJr, and VEXCode.
A browser-based course that utilizes game-based learning and turn-key curriculum to teach the fundamentals of computer science.
AP CSP with CodeCombat
A year-long course that utilizes game-based learning and turn-key curriculum to prepare students to succeed on the AP CSP exam.
Praxis Prep
One 1-hour kick-off session, six 2-hour virtual synchronous sessions alongside about 25 hours of self-paced asynchronous work.
Ellipsis Education Computer Science Training Suite
Full year, standards-aligned courses, including detailed lesson plans (Digital Citizenship, Unplugged, STEM Career, and Coding) and teacher support.
Integrating Robotics into CS and STEAM Education
Over 8,000 built-in lessons and activities for learning CS and math with robotics for all levels of K-12, using both virtual and hardware robots.
Scratch Encore
An intermediate, culturally-relevant, Scratch-based curriculum for grades 5-8, offering 2-3 years of instruction and a flexible, themed structure.
Certified Robotics Training
Over 20 free, research-based curricula for a variety of robotics platforms (LEGO, VEX, REV, Arduino, Virtual), coding languages, and grade levels.
CMU CS Academy
An online, graphics-based computer science curriculum taught in Python, provided by Carnegie Mellon University.
Students in grades 3-12 will use the six-step design thinking process to create their own app from ideation to launch.
HER Academy K-8 CS Teaching Certification
Project-based, interest-driven modules aligned to standards for grades 2-8. Robust and flexible lesson and activity banks designs for any schedule.
Exploring Computer Science
Year-long, researched-based introductory CS course with inquiry-based approach. Designed to broaden participation and show breadth and impacts of CS.
Are we missing a quality PD opportunity? Please suggest to PD/curriculum providers to submit their program for accreditation by the CSTA PD Committee.